Management applications of system theory
Birkhauser Verlag AG
Constantin Virgil Negoita
152 pagini
An: 1979
New Perspectives on English Grammar
Institutul European
Nadina Visan, Ruxandra Visan, Daria Protopoescu
264 pagini
An: 2014
Personality: Theory, Research, and Applications
Charles R. Potkay, Bem P. Allen
560 pagini
An: 1986
Clinical Applications of cardiac Digital Angiography
Raven Press New York
G. B. John Mancini
321 pagini
An: 1988
Perspectives in hypertension, Volume 2, Endocrine Mechanisms in Hypertension
Raven Press New York
John H. Laragh
365 pagini
An: 1989
Post-Pandemic World: Perspectives on Foreign and Security Policy
Curtea Veche
Sergiu Celac, Olivia Toderean, George Scutaru
324 pagini
An: 2020
Monoclonal Antibodies: Basic Principles, Experimental and Clinic Applications in Endocrinology
Raven Press New York
Gianni Forti
319 pagini
An: 1986
Soil Physical Quality - theory and applications for Arable Soils
166 pagini
An: 2010
Causation of cardiovascular risk factors in children. Perspectives on cardiovascular risk in early life
Raven Press New York
Gerald S. Berenson
408 pagini
An: 1986